Introducing Brisbane's Hope D, who steps up with her new single, Second

Introducing Brisbane's Hope D, who steps up with her new single, Second

Now joined by a full band, the Queensland musician's aptly-titled second single bites with a more pronounced crunch.

At the tail end of last year, we had a slight glimpse of what the future of Brisbane's music world looked like with Hope D, who armed with her swirling debut single Swim, gave us an immediate 'this is something special' reaction that we haven't felt in a little while now (fellow Brisbane break-out Hatchie would be a great comparison, in terms of their respective debut single strengths - and we've all seen what's happened to Hatchie in the time since). It's not hard to work out why we love it so much, with the Brisbane musician's vocal in centre frame amongst shimmering, indie-aligning melodies that hit hard despite being so soft and subtle - a sign of a brilliant songwriting falling onto her feet with absolute grace.

Skip forward a few months, and the rest of the country is beginning to catch on. In the wake of Swim, Hope D took out a Queensland Music Awards in the 'Emerging Artist' category, and has consistently gone from strength to strength otherwise: performances at BIGSOUND, Splendour and Laneway; a finalist spot for The Billy Thorpe Scholarship; headline shows and, most recently, a one-off show supporting Boy & Bear at Brisbane's mammoth Fortitude Music Hall. Not a bad feat, for someone just putting out her second single this week.

Speaking of, that second track - the aptly-titled Second - is one that bites with a bit of an extra crunch when compared to her debut single, with the addition of a full band behind her making Hope D's music elevate itself to the next level. It still centralises itself on her soft, remarkable storytelling, but underneath lays an extra emphasis that gives the track a bit of an extra edge, showcasing her versatility and growth just two songs on in. "[Second is] about a period of time in my life where I was going out partying too frequently and not being able to recall much from the night before," she explains on the single.

"It emphasises the thought of wanting to have a good time for at least a second - but I was doing this for so many 'seconds', that the time added up to what felt like years of forgotten nights."

Continuing on, Hope D explains where the single's more indie-rock-aligned feel comes from, with the addition of the full band behind her doubling down on the franticness of these nights with the aim to bring them to life: "The track is frantic and almost destructive, much like what I believe those nights felt like. I wanted the chorus' to sound unapologetic and demanding. Writing the song was my way of closing that chapter of my life after I became conscious of it all and took some time to reflect."

There's a lot to love here, and with a full east-coast run of shows coming up - including that spot supporting Boy & Bear - we think there's going to be plenty more to come too. In the meantime, however, dive into Second below, and better introduce yourself to the rising star while you're at it:

Tell us about yourself?

I’m a 20-year-old singer/songwriter from Brisbane.

I play music full time and am finishing off my final semester of studying at uni. I froth a good beer, dislike having the bubbles turned on in the spa and actually don't mind the green and yellow lolly snakes.

What’s the vibe music-wise?

My genre is pretty much indie pop/rock. I like creating music that makes people super curious about what I’m going on about

The theme of each song changes pretty drastically from each one, but it’s all stuff you can tap a good toe or two too. Try saying that fast three times GO!

What are your production and writing processes like?

I often find lyrics first, and then write the music. But sometimes it’s the other way around, it depends really. I write down words in my notes at very random times and find them later to either start or finish a song. But my head is constantly writing songs, so sitting down and actually putting them in writing and to music is like a big relief to the overflowing thoughts.

The production is always fun, I take everything to my pedalboard and can pretty much make a map of the song there. Then take it to Hugh Middleton who is an insanely great producer - he hears such great things in his head, I think our ideas work together so well! And Pip Sullivan from the UK mixes and co-produces with me - he is what I call ‘A wizard’, he loves it. Absolutely beautiful and talented people.

Can you tell us about your new single, Second?

Second is about having a huge night that you regret profusely the next day. You wake up in last night’s gravy stained clothes, have to drive to work on maybe 3 hours of sleep, have the hangover from hell and you keep flashing back to cringeworthy puzzle pieces from the night before. This was pretty much every Sunday for me for a few months on end.

It’s about getting a break from a long week and being able to have a good time for just a ‘second’, but then that second turns to minutes, and minutes into days and eventually you’re pretty battered and numb. I was in a bit of a rut from these huge nights and I’ve definitely learned that sleep + being a decent human being is better than excessively abusing a good night or 20.

Writing the song was a huge therapeutic release for me, I made it an angry outlet, and I think that the lyrics really clearly communicate how those nights were.

Any tour dates coming up?

Indeed! First tour, so I’m super excited

FRI 8 May - Fortitude Music Hall Supporting Boy & Bear

What does 2020 have in store for you?

I might be dropping a music video for my latest single very soon!

And am definitely releasing lots more music this year, I am itching to and I can’t wait to put out the old and the new stuff! Also, this little tour which I am so keen for! And hopefully heaps more gigs in and out of Brissy!

Where can we find more of your music?

Spotify and iTunes and the whole shebang. Pretty much all of the platforms!

Follow Hope D: FACEBOOK

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