Introducing Blue Velvet and their brand new slacker anthem, Stay Inside All Day

Introducing Blue Velvet and their brand new slacker anthem, Stay Inside All Day

They'll be taking on the road soon for a run of east coast dates.

Sydney-based indie-punkers Blue Velvet have just unleashed a brand new slacker anthem in Stay Inside All Day, a rumbling examination of fighting procastination as poorly as possible. As you may be able to imagine, procastination is something we hold quite dearly to our hearts, so we sent the guys a few questions which they returned pretty promptly. They're celebrating with a big east coast tour alongside pals Mild Manic, check out all the info and the new single, below:

Tell us about about yourselves?

Hey! What’s goin’ on? We’re just a bunch of rapscallions who like writing rock'n'roll songs and messing around on stage. We all come from a bunch of different musical backgrounds and used our knowledge of those spaces to create a sound that we really like playing. We’ve been playing shows for about a year and half and have been having a total blast doing it all while getting into all kinds of shenanigans.

What kinda tunes we talkin’?

We’re sorta like a mixture of indie-rock with just a pinch of punk that makes us the cake that we are. We’ve always looked up to bands like Pup, Luca Brasi and Tigers Jaw in terms of how they blend different genres of music together to make their own specific sound. By meshing in a whole stack of different sounds, we end up with something like a sort of Frankenstein of sounds (that is a terrible analogy, I’m sorry) that mix the fast beats of punk music and melodic sounds of indie, we really like it!

Production/writing process:

It usually starts off with each of us writing stuff on a guitar alone and then bringing it to the table at practice and seeing what we can do with it. Each time we write we do it in layers. We’ll write and track an entire songs worth of chords on the guitar, followed by bass, keyboard leads, drums and then the vocals on top of it. We’ve really adjusted to that method of starting something alone since it gives us the confidence to really smooth parts over individually when bringing it to the group without feeling pressured to play certain parts in a specific way. We’re really democratic when it comes to that stuff and we’re only comfortable with a song once we’re all unanimously stoked on each section.

Can you tell us about your new single, Stay Inside All Day?

Stay Inside All Day is overall a new sound for us and we’re just really happy with how it turned out - it’s just super refreshing to see how we’ve changed as a band. The song is essentially an ode to procrastination. Being in your twenties is the worst - out of nowhere, all these responsibilities are thrown your way (lookin’ at you, electricity bills...) and adulting can just be super overwhelming. This song is a reflection on how we can kind of shy away from adulthood and the pressures that are behind it and just how that can totally mess up your life years from now. But at the same time, it’s also realising you’re not alone in that fear of having so many responsibilities, procrastinating is just this devil on your shoulder that everyone has to deal with.

Any shows coming up?

Heck yeah! We’re really excited to be hitting up a lot of the east coast throughout April with our new friends Mild Manic. We’re going to be heading to a lot of new places we’ve never been to before which we’re just really stoked about as well as heading back to some of our favourite venues. I’m personally excited to visit all the ‘Big’ landmarks we pass like the Big Prawn, Big Banana, Big Koala, Big Ned Kelly, Big Merino and the Big Pineapple.

What’s the rest of the year have in store?

Stacks more! Stay Inside All Day is a little taste of what’s coming up for us as a band. We’re looking to drop our next EP later this year - it’s a bunch of songs that we’re all really proud of and we just can’t wait to get them out there. Other than that, we’re already planning heaps more shows and tours so my boss is going to hate me for all the time off I’ll be asking for.

Where can we hear more of your music?

If you’re into *free* music, you can catch us on a bunch of streaming platforms like triple j Unearthed, Spotify, Apple Music and Bandcamp. We also found out the other day that we’re somehow on Napster - so if you’re from 2003 and travelled into the future, you’re in luck!


Sat 31 Mar - The Waterfront Hotel, Moruya

Fri 13 Apr - Bloodhound Bar, Brisbane

Sat 14 Apr - The Basement, Nambour

Fri 20 Apr - The Wombarra Bowlo, Wollongong

Fri 27 Apr - The Penny Black, Melbourne

Sat 28 Apr - Musicman, Bendigo


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