Watch: The Blaze - MADLY

Watch: The Blaze - MADLY

French duo return with their latest self-directed music video masterpiece

Image credit: Benjamin Loyseau

If you haven’t had the pleasure of witnessing a music video by French duo & cousins Guillaume and Jonathan Alric AKA The Blaze, there’s no better time to get to know about their epic, emotional, cinematic and just downright stunning, self-directed music videos, as they return with The Poem, the extraordinary new video for MADLY, a standout from their latest album JUNGLE.

Opening with a school setting, the video soon cuts to Liam, a thirteen year old teenager who recites a poem in front of his class, inspired by being taken to his first rave by his older brother. What follows is a gorgeous ode to rave culture and the inclusivity of dance music, with scenes ranging from massive street parties to warehouses bathed in strobe light.

With The Poem/MADLY, The Blaze further hone their knack for crafting affecting cinematic visual delights, with their new video taking things in a different direction as they explain “In this video, the music is almost pushed into the background. It functions as a soundtrack, which accompanies the narrative rather than leading it. In fact, we actually rewrote a whole section of the track so that it fit perfectly with this teenager’s story.”

Give The Poem/MADLY a watch and see below for the full poem transcript:

The Blaze - The Poem

Imagine a place where no one can stop dancing
The beat shakes everything, everyone’s bouncing
It was deep, it was sweet, hardcore
I really felt things I’ve never felt before

I close my eyes and then everything’s lit.
My heart feels the beat and my soul feels the heat.
Now I feel like a very special witness
Freedom itself is dancing in that crazy mess

I let myself melt into the crowd to dance
Connected to everyone, I’m kissing the trance

When the sun rose again, there was no more music
It sounds like heaven with a distant kick
The wind sweeps the night dust into the sky
I can’t feel my feet cause I’m flying high

I was blind but now I see all the beauty
Hidden in the light, surrounded by poetry
I know something has changed deep inside me
It’s like a dream that I have to be with somebody

What is this feeling ? Everything’s so neat.
My heart skipped a beat. My heart skipped a beat.
I can see myself dancing in the sky above.
Am I dead ? Worst. Damn… I think I am in love.

The Blaze's new album JUNLGE is out now

The Blaze JUNGLE artwork

Follow The Blaze: Instagram / Facebook

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