Watch: Life Sim - IDL

Watch: Life Sim - IDL

Picture and sound in perfect union.

There’s something about the best music that instantly creates an image in your mind’s eye. It’s most strongly attached to memories of the past: the album you played when you first kissed, the sound of your favourite scene of your favourite film, the song you heard on the worst day of your life.

PC Music’s Life Sim flips the script with IDL’s music video and lets the amazing imagery inform your interpretation of the maximalist electronica. Or maybe it doesn’t. Maybe the ever-rising melodies are driving the visuals - rapidly cut scenes from every modern film you can think of - shaped into an emotional journey by endless actors on the screen, reacting in a repetitive narrative sequence; the same, yet distinct. Whichever you decide, you’re both wrong and right; it’s a symbiotic relationship.

Head over to the PC Music WEBSITE for the full experience.

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