Premiere: Meet Lasca Dry and her funky debut single, Do You Like Me That Way

Premiere: Meet Lasca Dry and her funky debut single, Do You Like Me That Way

Within the first minute of Lasca Dry's debut single, it's clear Tasmania has a new star.

We've spoken about the excitement of Australia's pop world quite a few times over the last twelve months, largely due to the promise and potential of the next generation of musicians making themselves known at a near-weekly basis. However, one region often left ignored is Tasmania – the island's bustling music world going just as deep as that of some of Australia's biggest musical hubs in Sydney and Melbourne, but often taking a bit of extra effort to dive into due the isolation of the island in comparison to the rest of the country.

As mentioned, however, Tasmania has a wealth of incredible emerging talent, and included within that is Lasca Dry – a musician who steps out as one to watch within the first minute of her debut single, Do You Like Me That Way. It's not the first taste of music we've had from the Ulverstone-based musician – she was formerly one-half of rising band The Habits, who went on to win a competition that saw them play Falls Festival – but it's definitely an introduction into her on a solo level, arriving after years of making herself known amongst the live music scene down there as a go-to support act, supporting the likes of Weyes Blood (!), Paul Dempsey, Didirri and more.

Do You Like Me That Way is pure class, if you're looking for a reason to dive into the musician's debut foray. It's a funk-footed, bass-backboned track that picks up instantly and doesn't ever quite let go, forging together influences spread across a tonne of sounds – electronica, pop, indie, rock and so on – for a distinct sound that feels refreshingly new and brilliant; a difficult thing, considering the wide-ranging depths of the country's pop scene. It's relaxed and woozy yet focused and fierce, finding a middle ground that leaves a strong impression and will keep you coming back time and time again.

Dive a little deeper, however, and the sparkling funk that drives the single charades a deeper meaning, with Lasca's work often exploring emotive topics that nestle themselves amongst disguising, bright-lit instrumentals. For Do You Like Me That Way, for instance, she aligns herself with this sense of self-reflection and the need for validation yet also independence, which often struggle to go hand-in-hand with one another: "This song focuses on being in a contradiction with yourself, wanting other people's validation but also wanting independence," she explains.

It also arrives with an official video clip by Nathan Guy that really brings the track's colourful backdrop to life, and with it, comes assurance that Lasca Dry is most definitely going to be an artist name thrown around in the near-future as someone worth keeping an eye on in the year ahead. In the meantime, however, dive into Do You Like Me That Way and its official video clip below, and better introduce yourself to the future star underneath that:

Tell us about yourself?

I’m Lasca Lee Kallister Dry, I’m a Tassie girl and I grew up in Ulverstone. Music was a pretty big part of my childhood, but I never ever thought about writing songs until after I left school, I didn’t really know that was a thing I could do I suppose, until a piano teacher suggested it to me, my eyes widened and a magical spark went off in my mind. Since then really I’ve been on this roller coaster of learning how to be a musician, it’s a great journey really, so unpredictable, so exciting and very rewarding even in your own bedroom.

What’s the ‘vibe’ music-wise?

I’m very much a diehard Led Zeppelin fan, my brother grew up listening to it and I loved him and loved Led Zeppelin, my dad listened to The Beatles, Elton John, basically 60s and 70’s music was a huge part of what I grew up on, and my music is based on all those sounds, it resonate with me the most! I really can’t get enough! Pop, Rock, Blues, Folk and a tiny bit Indie.

What are your production and writing processes usually like?

I normally start by picking up the guitar or what ever instrument I’m into at that moment, I’ll start playing a chord and keep playing random chords until I find the chord that fits with the mood I’m in. I’ll then start randomly singing anything, sometimes words sometimes oohs and ahs, until I find something I like. I’ll get one section down, then move to the next, and that’s pretty much how I start most songs. I’v been making an effort at trying other methods, but if something works I say keep using it!

Can you tell us about your new single, Do You Like Me That Way?

I wrote this song about myself and my personal struggles through wanting validation. It’s been really tricky trying to change this particular habit, as a huge part of my personality has been relying on others to direct me in life, as I never thought I knew the right way to live. And now I feel like I’ve realised that no one really knows what their doing, we just make it up, so this song is a combination of wanting to live my way, and trying to get over the ramifications of being someone that lived by others rules and what that was for my life up until now.

What does 2020 have in store for you?

I will be releasing my first album, and I’ve already started slowly working on another one, which I’d like to get out by the start of next year. I’d also like to start busking again, and just work on getting better at my instrument and my song writing skills. I’d also like to start work with other musician more, and if the restrictions are lifted, an album tour up the east coast of Australia would be awesome.

What do you want people to take away from the project?

I’d like to inspire people, to do their thing, what ever that may be. To be groovy and to not conform to what’s popular now but be oneself and follow ones own heart’s rules.

Where can we find more of your music?

I’ve got a YouTube channel, Facebook, Instagram - sometimes I do live blues jams. Instagrams probably the best, you’ll get a wider range of what I do there. but I post all my music ever where I can really.


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