Premiere: Dr Sure's Unusual Practice - Head in the Sand

Premiere: Dr Sure's Unusual Practice - Head in the Sand

Melbourne punks spell out the mining industry's "malleable morality" with new video

The wackiest musical medical clinic in Melbourne (and like, the world?!) is back as new-wave art punks Dr Sure's Unusual Practice unveil the visual feast for Head in the Sand, a standout cut from their Remember The Future? Vol.2 & 1 LP of last year.

Dr Sure’s head honcho Dougal Shaw packs his music with posts - not just post-punk influence, but elements of postmodernism and biting satire, and Head in the Sand is no exception - both the song and (fairly literal) video. I'll let him explain:

"I wrote this song after Rio Tinto destroyed one of the oldest known Indigenous historical sites in the Pilbara. It rattles my brain, these rubber men with their malleable morality running around a glass house with a sledgehammer - this heavy handed approach to delicate matters. Anyway here I am - a rubber man with a heavy hand - treading as lightly as I can and sweating delirious in a rubber suit. I had 48 hours to drive about 3000km's from Central Queensland back to Naarm for a NYE show, and I wanted make a video for this song while I was passing through the red dirt. I stopped on Darumbal, Barunggam, Kamilaroi, Wiradjuri, Yorta Yorta and Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung country. After the drive I put 50 bucks towards Pay The Rent, about a dollar for every honk from a confused trucker who spotted me on the side of the A39. You can contribute at"

Have a think about malleable molarity and Australia's natural beaauty while you check out the video, premiering exclusively on Pilerats today:

Follow Dr Sure’s Unusual Practice: FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM

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