Watch: Myd - Domino

Watch: Myd - Domino

Catch a hot wheels car’s point of view going places they usually wouldn’t in Myd’s incredible new music video

A year on from his fun and funky debut album Born a Loser, French indie-electro-pop artist Myd is back with the blissed out, chilled, addictive cut that is Domino, featuring production by Tom MacFarland from none other than UK faves Jungle.

Combining laidback, head-nod inducing drums and bass, playful synths and ethereal vocal melodies, Domino is a perfect summery anthem (regardless of the actual current season outside).

Domino comes alongside one of the better music videos you have probably seen of late, created by YouTube & Hot Wheels lord Robert Carlson of 5MadMovieMakers. Featuring a first person perspective to put us in the driver’s seat, the video takes us on a hot wheels journey like no other, through pinball machines, pools, barbecues and more, bringing your childhood car toy dreams to life.

The new single and video come at a perfect time for Australian Myd fans, as he touches down on our shores next month for a few shows - check out Domino and catch Myd’s Aussie dates below!

Myd Australian Tour 2022

Friday July 15th - Jack Rabbit Slim's, Perth, Australia

Friday, July 22nd - The Night Cat, Melbourne, Australia

Saturday July 23rd - Splendour in the Grass, Yelgun, Australia

Follow Myd: Instagram / Facebook

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