Introducing Perth punk powerhouses Triggerlip and their new song, Foundations

Introducing Perth punk powerhouses Triggerlip and their new song, Foundations

The emo-punk four-piece follow up their 2019 break-out Breathe. with another stunning display of their sound.

Header image by Elliot Charleston.

Over the last few months, we've refocused our eyes on Australia's heavy scene and how it's undergoing an exciting transformation at the moment, whether that be at the hands of bigger acts like Northlane and WAAX (both releasing incredible albums over the last few weeks) or the smaller bands we've been spotlighting in our new Heavy Times column, like Fevermind and Clove. The latter two - and Triggerlip, who we're introducing you to today - are bands particularly showcasing this movement on the west coast, with their exciting and unique approaches to the heavier side of rock music breathing a new life into our scene at a time when it flourishes on the east coast too, proving that we have something to show when it comes to this exciting sound.

Triggerlip, more specifically, are a Perth-based four-piece who specialise at this intersection of punk, emo and indie, exploring this combination while introducing new sounds into the mix that set them in their own lane. Breathe., a track they released back in the first half of this year introduced this sound perfectly, and it's something they're showcasing again with Foundations - a track that makes it two-for-two when it comes to Triggerlip's 2019 singles. It's an infectious explosion of emo-punk that balances heaviness with sparseness, whether it be how the vocals are able to cut through the heavily-layered instrumental underneath like it's not even there, or how the instrumental itself moves between sparse and airy, then heavy and more characteristic of this classic punk sound. "Foundations centres lyrically around the melancholy emotions that a person is prone to feeling when looking back on their past and remembering relationships and moments that will never be replicated again," says the band's Josh Watson on the track. "People grow and change over time, as this growth occurs, ideas and goals that a person may have had, evolve and change. Foundations addresses this juxtaposition and the emotions that come with it."

It's a great song that highlights the strengths of a band on the verge of becoming front-runners within this realm, so dive into the track below, and better introduce yourself to the band before more stuff arrives across the next few months:

Tell us about yourself?

We are four guys that somewhat met in serendipitous circumstances. Jordy and I (Josh) went to high school together and been co-writing in bands since. We met Ryan and Paul over Facebook music groups (we sort of see it as a platonic version of Tinder for musicians). We bonded over the collective music taste we all had and shared, particularly the new-wave emo stuff and pop-punk that was being churned out by bands like Citizen, Turnover, Title Fight, Trophy Eyes, The Wonder Years ect.. Thus began Triggerlip.

What’s the vibe music-wise?

We consider our music as ‘emo’, however, we also incorporate elements of indie rock, punk and hard-core music into the songs we write. We are trying to create a ‘sound’ that is a culmination of our own unique playing styles. This resulting sound consists of drowned out melodic guitars partnered yet juxtaposed with a heavy-hitting wall of chunky guitars. Whereas the drums are lively and energetic taking influence from post-hard-core and pop-punk. So by incorporating ideas and influences from all four of our members which ultimately culminates in a Triggerlip song. Our material tackles themes such as feelings of loss, coming to terms with growing out of adolescence and relationships (but hey, what songs aren't).

What are your production and writing processes like?

Our primary songwriters up until recently; have been Jordy and I. However we have developed our songwriting strategy now so that Jordy, Paul and I present rough demo ideas for songs to the whole band, prior to a rehearsal. Each member then listens and tries to refine their parts, then we demo a first version of the song. At rehearsal, we run through the song as a band, editing parts and adding ideas as we go. After some edits we usually get around to demoing a second or third time before taking to the studio. This process repeats until we are finally happy with the product; for Foundations, we went through four versions before settling on a final for the proper studio recording.

Can you tell us about your new single, Foundations?

Foundations centres lyrically around the melancholic emotions that a person is prone to feeling when looking back on their past, reminiscing of moments that will never be replicated again. People grow and change over time, as this growth occurs, ideas and goals that a person may have had, evolve and change. Foundations addresses this juxtaposition and the emotions that come with it.

Any tour dates coming up?

We’re in talks of getting over east again by next year and we are currently in the works of organising a west coast tour, going down to some regional venues in the south-west of WA. We are currently focussed on writing and recording as much new material as we can, and playing as many hometown shows that we can.

What does the rest of 2019 have in store for you?

Triggerlip is already working on a new single which we’ll be recording next month. In addition to that, we hope to tour in the south-west this coming summer.

Where can we find more of your music?

Our music is available on all of the usual streaming platforms as well as YouTube and Soundcloud…or better still; come down to one of our shows!

Follow Triggerlip: FACEBOOK

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