Focus: James Stanciell

Focus: James Stanciell

We take a look at the work of LA photographer James Stanciell...

Name: James Stanciell

Occupation: Photographer or something

Location: Los Angeles

Play by play of your weekend just gone?

Friday (Halloween) we threw a party for one of my good friends whose leaving to the army in a couple of weeks, it was pretty wild.

Saturday was spent catching up on sleep from the previous night and also catching up with one of my brothers that was in town. 

Sunday (today) I was back at work bored as ever.

My 5 favorite spots in my hometown (Palmdale, CA) would have to be...

- The Mountains by my house, I always find myself shooting photographs there.

- Sharky's Mexican Grill, they have some great fuckin nachos.

- Our skatepark is shitty but pretty cool, my friends kill it there most of the time.

- My friend Julians house where we'd throw benefit shows every now and then for our community.

- The Aqueduct 

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