Framed: Dilkabear

Framed: Dilkabear

Fairytale-inspired artwork to soften your day.

Dilkabear is an Italian artist with a background of previous work as an illustrator and graphic designer. After taking a leap into the world of freelance art, her work has become visually iconic, laden with emotion, innocence and visions of sensitivity. Inspired by classical fairytales, these pieces are stunning in their softness and fantasy surrealism. We've featured a few excerpts below, and recommend following her art through the links below.







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Framed: Sean Morris

One sunny winter's morning we took a short drive to catch up with Sean Morris in his ocean side studio.

10 years ago

Framed: Post-Post-Post-Irony - Exhibition Opening

An exhibition by Iain Dean and James Cooper.

8 years ago

Framed: Jay Howell

Peek into the sketchbook of Californian artist Jay Howell.

8 years ago

Rushes 'Tiny Worlds'

What would be awesome to happen to street litter.

10 years ago
