Rushes 'Tiny Worlds'

Rushes 'Tiny Worlds'

What would be awesome to happen to street litter.

Tiny Worlds is a trilogy of short films created by UK-based VFX house RUSHES that's super cutesy, but really well done, and won't take up to too much of your day. Promise. Fear for the bulldozer who struggles with some chewing gum, marvel at the delicate nature with which a logging truck cleans up matches, and behold the site of a submarine slaying puddle-dwelling cigarette butts.

Framed: Sam Octigan - MYTHOS Exhibition

A Pile-fave has an awesome-looking exhibition opening in Melbourne tomorrow.

8 years ago

Charlie Hebdo Attack: Artists' Touching Responses

Artists and cartoonists from across the world respond to the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

10 years ago

Framed: Hyuro

An extract of work by Spanish painter Hyuro.

9 years ago

Framed: Jati Putra Pratama

Bathe your eyes in these dreamy visuals.

9 years ago
