The Underwritten Female Characters want you to get woke

The Underwritten Female Characters want you to get woke

Ladies, get yours!

Sick and tired of the same old movie tripe offering bland, predictable female characters? Constantly shouting at the cinema screen and cursing the poorly written females? You know the types - the typical eye candy, the slightly bigger girl used as comic relief, the bossy one whose heart the main male character works the entire film to win over. Or even the stock-standard Zoey Deschanel pixie girl type. You know, mousy, cute, and eventually gets her heart broken.


Luckily the UFC has stepped in. No, not the gang of frightfully muscular people wiping their sweaty bodies all over each other, we're talking about the Underwritten Female Characters. They're here to kick ass and save Lola, the typical pixie girl type, from a life of 'fixing' sensitive, broken men only to have her own heart broken. They're sick of the cliches, and they're here to say no!

You can check out the trailer for Underwritten Female Characters below, and pray that it really does come hopefully soon.

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