Labor Senator gives 11/10 Halal Snack Pack review in Parliament

Labor Senator gives 11/10 Halal Snack Pack review in Parliament

HSPAS taking over, one parliamentary hearing at a time.

In case you've been hiding under a rock for the past few months with no internet connection what so ever, the Halal Snack Pack Appreciation Society are a Facebook group, 56,000 members deep, dedicated to sharing the best chip, chicken salt, sauce (excluding Tomato Sauce, unless you wanna be labelled a haram dingo) and halal-certified meat combos across Australia. It started off as a small party, only including a few thousand people, sharing their favourite styrofoam-surrounded meals with Instagram-worthy photos and descriptions better written than work by Shakespeare himself, but very quickly became flooded with tens of thousands of members and with it, international publicity (and a shit-tonne of Halal Snack Pack-themed memes). Naturally, with the calorie-filled bandwagon currently hitting fever pitch, HSPAS have their eyes set on the future, a future which now includes parliamentary discussions. Although the context of the carb-fuelled speech is still yet to be known, Labor senator Sam Dastyari had a good go at giving his own Halal Snack Pack review, nailing a top-tier review of the infamous HSPAS Mecca, Campbelltown's King Kebab House. What a time to be alive and living in Australia.

Read our catchup with the HSPAS crew HERE.


Greeting 10/10Signage 10/10 - I definitely knew it was halalSauce 10/10

Learn more about HSPAS HERE.

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