Hey! Wanna write for Pilerats? Cool, 'cause we'd like you to as well

Hey! Wanna write for Pilerats? Cool, 'cause we'd like you to as well

We're looking to beef up our contributor numbers.

We're on the hunt for new writers and if the shoe fits we'd like that to be you.

As some of you reading this may or may not know, Pilerats initially began as a small tablet magazine that dealt with music, arts, culture and lifestyle. Since then it has morphed into not just the website you're looking at right now, but a record label, management house, creative agency, events company and more. Under the roof of our actual workplace are some of Australia's hardest working filmmakers, photographers, graphic designers, social media managers, event promoters, digital marketing pros and branding experts, but not a whole lot of writers.

As such we rely on you, fair Internet explorer/literary hopeful/opinionated writer/music lover/whatever you may be, to contribute the typed word on a variety of topics. If you've paid much attention to the kind of articles we run on Pilerats.com you'll notice we fly pretty fast and loose. While the bedrock of Pilerats has been seeking out the best new music under a variety of genres around the globe, our other passion lies in talking about things that affect you, the disenchanted youth of today. Like relationships, surviving your hard-partying weekends, bin lid stands, politics, pop culture, or navigating the many social issues that we face on a day to day basis...

If these are the kinds of things you've thought you'd like to write about, or have already written about, or seen us write about and thought, "Wow I could do so much better than this", we wanna hear from you.

So SEND US AN EMAIL and say hey, but before you do read the below:

- We're not a live music review website, there's plenty of great ones out there already if you wanna go to shows on the weekend and write words about them.

- Likewise we don't review albums, our main music focus is on new releases, but we've got that pretty covered at the moment.

- Sending through examples of your previous work is incredibly helpful when it comes to situations like this (you don't need to have a degree in literature or journalism, but it helps).

- If you don't have previous examples, WRITE SOMETHING FIRST, and then send it to us.

- If you've got some ideas for future stories or topics you'd like to write about, please include them in the email so we can steal them if we don't like you*.

- We're looking to beef up our lifestyle/culture section of the website, so if that's your bag you're already off to a good start.

Pilerats is a media outlet growing almost faster than we can keep up, with an ever-expanding network that is the prime platform to have your voice heard by a lot of people. And we want to give you access to that platform.

*Jokes, it's just a bloody good way to get the ball rolling.

Courtney Barnett, Cub Sport and more bind together for a mixtape for marriage equality

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Australia's only Chiptune Festival, Square Sounds, is on next weekend for the final time

Bringing those banging gameboy beats for one last time before an indefinite hiatus.

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