Watch: Björk - Stonemilker

Watch: Björk - Stonemilker

Björk’s latest video is a full 3D, super HD affair.

Icelandic vocalist Björk is one of the most forward-thinking musicians in the game, experimenting with new technology and art with many groundbreaking music videos throughout her extensive career. Currently, the 49-year-old vocalist is showcasing her talents at New York’s Museum of Modern Art and now, one of the major attractions has been posted online for those that can’t make the long trek over to see it in action. It’s the music video for Stonemilker, a single from her most recent full length, Vulnicura, and while the tune might not be one for all audiences, the video is out of this world. It’s a 3D affair, controllable through the use of either Oculus Rift headwear or on YouTube using your phone or Google Chrome. Using your keypad, you’re able to move the frame a full 360 degrees, following the singer’s every move or if you wish, you can keep the frame still and watch her frolic in front of Iceland’s greatest landscapes. It’s something that really needs to be seen and luckily for you, you can watch it in amazing/internet-crippling 4K definition below.


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