EP Walkthrough: Rising star lovemedo talks his debut EP, Miss You When I'm Bored

EP Walkthrough: Rising star lovemedo talks his debut EP, Miss You When I'm Bored

After introducing the Central Coast musician with his debut single a while back, he returns with a whole EP under his belt.

One of our favourite local pop discoveries of this year is lovemedo, and while it may seem easy to say something like that on a surface level, this year has been monumental for the Australian pop world and its next generation. Yet, despite that, lovemedo has still stood out, and a large reason for that is his debut single Re-Like You, which we introduced the world to back in the first half of this year. It was a shimmering, bright-eyed look into someone bound to be something big in the future; tall-standing hooks and spiralling instrumentals uniting in what was easily amongst the year's most catchy singles - all coming from someone that, up until that moment, was completely off our radars.

Skip forward a few months, and the Central Coast musician has come along way in securing his place in the tomorrow of pop music. You Kiss Everyone cemented lovemedo's self-produced pop sound and its ability to switch between 'commercialised' hooks and moments a little left-of-centre and experimental - the quick-paced, firing breakdowns an example of that - while Lonely For You (Only) morphed his sound into swelling ballad-mode, a sense of emotive longing lingering through his shimmering vocal and chopped-and-screwed production underneath.

Now, he's back with an entire debut EP under his belt - one that paves his future paths and sees him put a strong foot forward in the process of doing so. Miss You When I'm Bored is a six-track package of lovemedo's rich songwriting and storytelling, an authentic look into a popstar-on-the-rise and the complexities of him in every level - as a person; as a musician; as a storyteller and so on. "Miss You When I’m Bored is the autobiography of a chapter where I learned you can only be as upset about something as you allow yourself to be," he says.

It's package rich on both musicality and emotive intensity, an upfrontedness and honesty amongst the pop scene's strongest in the up-and-coming realm as he strips back his life and presents it through his music. 'The closest you'll get to knowing a complete stranger," reads his short-but-sweet bio, and when you come out of Miss You When I'm Bored, you really get the sense of what he's talking about: You don't actually know lovemedo from the next person, but somehow, you're familiar with the highs and lows of his life and the complexities that come with dealing with these.

There's plenty to love here, yet also plenty to learn. So, dive into Miss You When I'm Bored below, alongside a track-by-track walkthrough from lovemedo himself, walking you through the EP's inner themes and creation one song at a time. Check it out below, and better introduce yourself to the rising star here.

LMD 001

this song is so unforgivingly an intro track.. it had to be special. the idea of creating a record is attractive to any artist but for me specifically it was one of my biggest goals as a musician, but not just for the obvious reasons like having a wealth of songs out or to simply just be able to say ‘i finished something’. its because I wanted to make an immersive world that you can momentarily step in and out of. the only way to do that with an opening track is to create something that draws you in.. so that by the time the record actually starts, you’re listening. or at least think you are with this song especially.. if you know you know. who the f**k is lovemedo?

Re-Like You

breakups suck. everyone says that... but until you’re in the dead centre of one with just as much ahead of you as there is behind you, only then you understand that. I wrote probably over 50 songs about this one girl.. but when it was time to choose one to record and put out, I had to ask myself a simple question and that was ‘what did I learn from it?’. kinda basic I know.. but it sounded like a smart idea to sing about all of my fuck-ups. admitting all of my shallow measurements in a cheeky manner was the only way to be positive about this in the end. it’s like a reminder whenever I hear that song and I do have to hear it for the rest of my life. Anyway, it's over now and I’m so happy with myself. now I have a fun song to dance to, and I’ll never be a shit person or hurt someone that loves me again in my life (hopefully).

You Kiss Everyone

met someone, they kissed me, they weren’t supposed to. next story boringgggg xx

Lonely for You (Only)

this song is probably one of the most digestible on the record, in the way that you don't have to go digging for any profound meaning or translate any metaphors.. what I’m saying is what I mean. I had to make this song say the most in the least amount of words because it's such a simple concept.

to be bored means to ignore the significance of a situation, and if you do that too long you start to think.. most of the time about one person. and in that moment their absence is apparent and the silence is loud. you are not lonely.. but at the same time, you are. just for that one person.


this song was fun to make, I got to write about a completely hypothetical situation where - as the story entails: I got drunk, decided to drive to a love interests house but crash omw so I walked the rest and ended up knocking at 2:44am. but it's super funny because If you could do all that without any of the consequences would you? all just to ask these 2 questions.. who's got you now? and is he cool with us making out? - that’s why I made those lines the chorus of the song. it actually might be my favourite off the ep at this moment!


the title of this song is an acronym of the EP title miss you when i’m bored. this goes back to the recurring theme of this record and that’s the fact that we only have time to think when we aren’t preoccupied. so I thought about what had me so preoccupied at this moment? what has me so busy that I’m able to forget? I wanted to write a song that sums up that concept. and for everyone that concept is different, for me it was a girl I had to forget and during that I lost part of myself, a part that really needed losing. I won’t say too much about exactly what this song is about because I didn’t just write it for me.. there’s a lot of other people that maybe need to hear this song too.

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