Watch: Matt Corby - Monday

Watch: Matt Corby - Monday

The Corbs is back in a big way.

Matt Corby has just released a stunning new video for his new single Monday, filmed and recorded live in the same rural cottage Corby wrote and recorded the original single. As is the way with Mr. Corby, things are done a little differently, with the recorded version differing ever so slightly from the version your used to hearing on high-repeat on Triple J. However, like the original, it is done without the use of any instruments, just the warm, enchanting sounds of that amazing voice.

Matt Corby has a full length album due for release early next year, so keep your ears peeled for that one, and in the mean time try and catch him on one of the many legs of his Australian tour. Dates underneath.


2 November - The Tivoli - Brisbane 

4 November - HQ - Adelaide 

6 November - Metropolis - Fremantle 

8 November - Astor Theatre - Perth

9 November - Forum Theatre - Melbourne 

10 November - Forum Theatre - Melbourne 

16 November - Metro Theatre - Sydney

17 November - Metro Theatre - Sydney

Follow Matt Corby: FACEBOOK / TWITTER

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