Navy Gangs made a playlist featuring 13 of their recent American tour pals

Navy Gangs made a playlist featuring 13 of their recent American tour pals

Their debut album, Poach, is out now via Dinosaur City Records and Modern Sky USA.

Brooklyn-via-Omaha's Navy Gangs recently wrapped up a monster 30-date US tour, ripping through tracks from their new album Poach, which dropped today via Dinosaur City Records and Modern Sky USA. Mixed and mastered by Delicate Steve, Poach is a wonderful 13-track collection of music, bringing the group's DIY ethos to the fore while still maintaining a polish, consistency and diversity that suggests the five-piece are only just getting warmed up.

In true legend fashion, the group have taken the release of their new album as an opportunity to shine a light on some of the awesome bands they met on that huge tour, sending us a rad little playlist featuring 13 of 'em. Check it out, along with Poach, below:

Poppies - Told

A love song? Maybe? A hit? Definitely yes.

Dan English - World As Weird

Mister D. English has been in our hearts for as long as the sun has been beating on this earth.

Loud Sun - Gold Again

If you need to talk to someone about what the term crunchy is...this is the guy.

Wild Firth - Corduroy

Guitars, guitars, guitars.

David Nance - Pure Evil

Hometown hero.

Bib - Moshpit

Purveyors of the daydream.

Anciel Pools - There No More

Sonic Bliss of the PNW.

Gene Tripp - Bird Song In The Drone

Arizonian crooner casting dark spells onto a wash of decaying honkytonks.

Lavender Flu - Reverse Lies

Chris Gunn and Company further explore the boundaries of minimal psychedelic music.

Victoria Williams - You Are Loved

A glorious songwwriter who has done more in their life than most people. Now residing in Joshua Tree, where she kindly let us soak in her hand built pool.

Current Joys - Fear

Our blood brother, ride or die.

Lala Lala - Destroyer

What can we say? Lillie is a destroyer.

Staffers - Jessica

An American treasure.

Follow Navy Gangs: FACEBOOK

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