Watch: Big Scary - Organism

Watch: Big Scary - Organism

File under: Tom Iansek can dance.

Teaming up with old pal Shaun Garland (director of Big Scary’s award winning Twin Rivers film clip) Tom Iansek and Jo Syme star in a Nick Cave-meets-Thom Yorke theatre piece that is sure to make you want to awkwardly dance around your lounge room with a fake microphone. The single-shot clip is filmed at the Fitzroy Town Hall in the band’s home town of Melbourne and was inspired by LCD Soundsystem’s All My Friends. Complete with a pair of space-retro dancing girls, Symes gold-sequened jumpsuit and Iansek's quirky yet awkwardly groovy choreographed dancing, the clip provides the perfect neo-noir atmosphere for the bands first release since 2013’s Not Art. Check out Iansek's moves below:

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