Introducing Eleanor Jacks, who wears her heart on her sleeve with Blue

Introducing Eleanor Jacks, who wears her heart on her sleeve with Blue

The up-and-coming Adelaide-raised artist-on-the-rise will be supporting Amy Shark this October, with Sly Withers.

If you're yet to be acquainted, find the time to get to know Eleanor Jacks, an exciting new name from Adelaide (now Sydney) who's quickly blossoming into one of the city's best - and most promising - acts. Since her 2017 debut single Run n Hide, she's quickly flourished into someone everyone should be keeping an eye on, with a consistent stream of singles - 2018's Boys and 2019's I'm Drunk and I Love You - arming her up to be something special. Through what she's released thus far, it's clear that Eleanor Jacks is an artist who explores the intersection between delicate story-telling and subtle melodies, something that makes itself known once again with Blue, her latest single.

Blue is a track that feels more-so like a poem than a song, mostly in the way that Eleanor's vocals - full of emotion and passion - ebbs and flows alongside the instrumental rather than being overshadowed by it; a common thing with these types of songwriters. In a sense, it feels like she's truly wearing her heart on her sleeve, delving deep into lyrical themes we'll leave for her to explain: "I wrote the lyric to this after experiencing the start of a relationship that I thought could have gone somewhere but the other person wasn’t in it for the same reasons I was. I was interstate with this person and despite wanting this to work, I felt completely alone and within this particular situation, extremely anxious," she says on the track. "There is also a slight turnaround in the last chorus lyrically which appears to signal that I’m done with it but the reality is, you never are. These experiences shape us but they never completely leave us."

She's just announced to support Amy Shark on her regional tour this October (with Sly Withers too), and there's plenty more to come from Jacks before the year's out. In the meantime, however, dive into Blue below, and introduce yourself to your new obsession while you're at it.

Tell us about yourself?

I’m now 21! I grew up in Adelaide. My whole family plays music which is super fun; jam sessions all day every day (mostly not joking). I live in Sydney now, and I love it. I busk in Manly every weekend.

What’s the vibe music-wise?

The vibe is “sad girl trying to keep her shit together with a bit of a F U undertone”. Music is a big outlet for me, my thoughts are constantly consuming me and it’s nice to have a place where I can express myself freely.

What are your production and writing processes like?

I have a lyric book on me 24/7 (ok sometimes it’s Voice Memos or iPhone notes lol), I find such beauty in everyday language/ conversations, just saying things how they are. It’s simple but it’s nice. I think I show that in my very candid sense of lyric. After I have a theme or something I need to write about, I sit down on the piano. As for production that is almost always the last element; except for in the case of Blue.

Can you tell us about your new single, Blue?

Blue is about a relationship that could fall apart at any second. I wrote it with Alex Wildwood who is an incredible producer and writer! Alex didn’t even know this but we wrote this song days before I went away to a mental health clinic, I was at a real low point of my life and I was in a thing with this guy who had his own issues going on, we were super bad for each other but I was really keen on him. I guess I thought that having someone was better than having no one… this relationship obviously became very toxic very quickly. I wanted to be with this guys so bad but at the end of the day I don’t think he really wanted to be with me - classic.

I didn't ever go into detail about that with Alex, that’s why I like writing with him, because I didn't have to, it comes out in the music. The song just flowed so naturally.

Any tour dates coming up?

YESSSS! THANK YOU FOR ASKING! October 2019 I’ll be hitting the road with AMY SHARK and Sly Withers on AMY’S Regional AUS tour!!! Safe to say I am SO fucking excited!!!!!

What does 2019 have in store for you?

SONGS!! I am going to be releasing way more music this year! SHOWS! I’ll be playing with Yorke Aug 8th in Syd at OAF gallery bar! Also the Amy Shark tour! As well as some more local support gigs! FILM CLIPS!! I LOVE making clips for my songs, I think that’s because I am a very visual writer. And of course, CREATING! I’ll be writing all the time (that's a given), I’ll also be continuing to create lots of fun content for my socials as well as some film/ poetry to come soon bc I like to keep myself busy and creative like that heheh.

Where can we find more of your music?

Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, triple j Unearthed, YouTube!!!

Tour Dates (with Amy Shark):

FRI 18 OCT - VENUE 114, LAKE KAWANA (Sunshine Coast)

Follow Eleanor Jacks: FACEBOOK

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