We made a Spotify playlist filled with all the Tension bodyboarding movie songs we could find

We made a Spotify playlist filled with all the Tension bodyboarding movie songs we could find

Prepare yourself for a trip down memory lane.

For many of us, the Tension bodyboarding movies were a special time in our lives. A simpler time, when to watch some sick bodyboarding action you had to go and spend $30 on a VHS tape, not just chuck on YouTube or whatever the kids these days do. Tension was a genuine phenomenon back in the day (amongst the bodyboarding world anyway), taking CKY's rapscallion formula and applying it to our own poor, unsuspecting local shopping centres and well-to-do folk. The young-kids-being-idiots-and-getting-up-to-mischief mixed in with high performance bodyboarding action served creator Chris White bloody well across 10 films, and also made people like Ryan Hardy, Sean Virtue, Brad Hughes and Chad Jackson household names.

Apart from the hilarious shit and shakka-inducing bodyboarding action, one thing everyone loved was the soundtracks. Multi-genre before it was cool to like more than one of 'em, one track would be a rap song, the next a hardcore song, then a 70s classic, then a club track... And with that in mind we decided to go on a mission to find as many of those froth-worthy tracks we could on Spotify and chuck 'em all into one beautiful playlist, lovingly titled, TENSION BANGERS.

So follow it HERE or it's embedded for you below, and say hello to the soundtrack to the rest of your life.

Chris White has taken his hand to photography over videography these days, you can follow him on INSTAGRAM - which we highly recommend because there's some incredible imagery to be found. Some of which he's about to be selling as a photo book called DARK LIGHT - more info about that one HERE.

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