Framed: Hatched National Gradaute Exhibition

Framed: Hatched National Gradaute Exhibition

The Hatched National Graduate show kicks off tonight, Friday 13 March.

Opening tonight, The Hatched: National Graduate Show is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the trends and concerns of Australia's next generation of emerging contemporary artists. Featuring graduates from 23 art schools and universities nationally, it's a celebration of the most exciting young artists from around Australia.

Tonight it launches at PICA Bar in the Perth Cultural centre with a massive show, featuring a selection of food trucks, live entertainment and an outside broadcast from RTR FM, and you can check out a few examples of what to expect below:

Friday 13 May: 6.30pm-9pm // RTR Broadcast 5pm-7pm //Live performance by Spaceman 8.45pm

FREE | RSVP here

The exhibition continues until July 17, 2016, more info via the PICA WEBSITE.

hatched Cat Mueller Dawn Fairy LOOM inious

Cat Mueller, Dawn Fairy + LOOM-inious (detail), 2015

hatched Daisy Knight CHRIST MESS photo by Jane Fanklin

Daisy Knight, CHRIST MES$, 2015. Photo by Jane Fanklin

hatched Emmaline Zanelli Flesh House you hide between my thighs 2015

Emmaline Zanelli, Flesh House (you hide between my thighs), 2015

hatched Laetitia Olivier Gargano The mushrooms between my toes 2015 Photo by Michael Lehtonen 2

Laetitia Olivier-Gargano, The mushrooms between my toes, 2015. Photo by Michael Lehtonen.

hatched Yi Wen Liu Intimate Sensitivity 2015

Yi-Wen Liu, Intimate Sensitivity, 2015.

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