Framed: Simon Landrein

Framed: Simon Landrein

Simplified, stylised animation and illustration.

The stripped-back work of Simon Landrein is simple, narrative and fluid with a whole heap of character. He communicates stories through their barest visual bones, utilising block colours and stippling reminiscent of the early pop art movement. With roots in animation, Landrein creates both moving and still images. Selected examples of his video work appear on his website, linked below.







Follow Simon Landrein: FACEBOOK / WEBSITE

Framed: Gumani

The enchanting illustrations of Gumani.

9 years ago

Framed: Sam Octigan - MYTHOS Exhibition

A Pile-fave has an awesome-looking exhibition opening in Melbourne tomorrow.

8 years ago

Framed: Mike Lawrence

We catch up with the Atlanta-based illustrator and go through his dark, black & white, macabre work...

10 years ago

PUBLIC: Art In The City

Prepare to get even more culturally vibrant Perth.

10 years ago
