Printout: Got Name by Rob Cordiner

Printout: Got Name by Rob Cordiner

Whether you like it or not, print is back in a big way. From your good ol' xerox zine to a shmick linen cover.

Welcome to 'Printout' where once a week we and our likeminded friends review and take you through zines and other printed material that we love and or you send us! This weeks pick by Lloyd Stubber, accomplished photographer and man at the helm of Bloom Publishing.

First off the bat has got to be 'Got Name' by Rob Cordiner of Smalltime Books. When he's not teamed up with Heavy Mental as Heavytime Books, he's creating his own gold via his risograph printer. His latest title 'Got Name' has got to be one of my favourite zines of 2014. This 2 colour, 72 paged beauty is jam-packed full of all your favourite NBA players - not to mention puns galore.

So no matter what your game is, make sure you get your copy before they're all gone 'cause it's a slam dunk*. 

*Yes, I went there.





Whether you like it or not, print is back in a big way. From your good ol' xerox zine to a shmick linen cover, everybody is either doing it themselves or starting their own imprint. So in light of this, I'll be pulling one off my shelf once (or twice) a month to tell you a little bit about what you're missing out on. Want to have the chance to have your title reviewed on here?

Shoot an email to for more details!


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