Framed: Bossa Nova

Framed: Bossa Nova

Where gore and psychedelia collide.

Net artist Bossa Nova creates distinctive work that incorporates a graphic illustration style with themes of gore, horror, mythology and psychedelic imagery. Animals and patterns feature heavily in her art, lending to a personal brand.






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The Walt-Walking Disney

Because mashing up pop-culture things will never not be fun.

10 years ago

Framed: Tristram Lansdowne

Fantastical worlds your mind should visit sometime.

11 years ago

Threads to wear outside the water with the team from Salty Shoes

We talk to the WA label doing coastal wear right.

8 years ago

Castles Drawn On Sand Particles

Vik Muniz and Marcelo Coelho put new meaning to the term 'fine art'.

10 years ago
