Framed: Tristram Lansdowne

Framed: Tristram Lansdowne

Fantastical worlds your mind should visit sometime.

Tristram Lansdowne creates fantastical worlds that are good for your mind to dwell in. If you'd like to check out more of Tristam's work, head to his WEBSITE.

Ultra High Island w.c. on paper 28x30.2



Beacon 2012 20.5x22 inches2


Low Pressure System 2012 28x19 inches2


the encyclops2


Axis Mundi 2012 44x33 inches2

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Ephemeral calligraphy, painted with light.

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Printout: Sean Morris Is Not Your Dad

Welcome to 'Printout' where once a week we and our like-minded friends review and take you through zines and other printed material that we love and or you send us!

9 years ago

Framed Interview: George Howlett & Mariaan Pugh (Three Coats Exhibition)

A new exhibition at Claremont fashion boutique, Dilettante.

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