Beautiful Agony

Beautiful Agony

Real people. Real orgasms.

You know how you watch porn and it's all incredibly fake? Seriously, if you actually take the time to delve into the behind the scenes of filming pornography, it's really not nice stuff. Obviously a lot of people have no issues with the falsity of pornography, in fact the fantasy side of things is what most people probably do enjoy from it.

But for those looking for something a little more real, a group of Aussie friends back in 2003 started this pretty incredible multimedia project - Beautiful Agony, which "began as a multimedia experiment, to test a hypothesis that eroticism in human imagery rests not in naked flesh and sexual illustration, but engagement with the face. We wondered whether film of a genuine, unscripted, natural orgasm - showing only the face - could succeed where the most visceral mainstream pornography fails, and that is, to actually turn us on."

Whether it does turn you on or not - well that's up to you. But it's a pretty interesting concept, and the footage speaks for itself. The beauty in all of this is that ANYONE can contribute, and what started out as simple 'O faces' has morphed confessions and probing inquisitions where contributors are asked to bare their inner-most secrets in relation to something that is probably still as mistifying to some as ever it has been - sex.

You can check out their 2013 show reel below, but we definitely recommend heading along to their WEBSITE or FACEBOOK, where you can contribute to what has become an incredibly interesting, and let's be honest - damn arousing, large-scale project.

Framed: Kaspian Shore

A taste of recent work by the artist and curator.

9 years ago

Australian Tattoo & Body Art Expo 2014

The southern hemisphere's largest tattoo event hits Oz in June.

10 years ago

Skinned: Sean Morris

Our monthly feature where we give over the website to the work of the artists we love!

9 years ago

Framed: INO

Meet the work of Greek visual artist, INO.

8 years ago
