Toy Boats Feature #16

Toy Boats Feature #16

From Issue #16 of Pilerats Magazine.

This excerpt has been taken from Issue #16 of Pilerats Magazine. To experience the full interactive feature download it HERE.


The east coast of Australia.


Riley McEvoy, Jonathan Niclair, Shaun Allen, Kelly Greenhalgh and myself.


We have a demo titled 2AM Bones and an EP titled Diamond Teeth, and we just released our debut full-length, Wedding Town.

How are you? What’s on your mind at the moment?

I’m really good thanks! I’m in the middle of writing a story for uni at the moment so I’m trying to think up some plot points haha. 

I lurked your facey account and you posted the latest Nun single (Uri Gellar).. How good is it! I saw it on Rage a couple of weekends ago and have been obsessed ever since..

It’s great! My friend that I used to live with really likes them and took me to see them for the first time at The Tote for the Miles Brown release show a few months ago. I was totally blown away and I loved it. I picked up their 7” and listen to it heaps. I’m really excited to grab a copy of their new record. 

You’ve just released Wedding Town, how has the response been so far?

It’s been really overwhelming. People seem to really like it, which is really awesome to hear. We played a release show for it on the 18th and I was so amazed by the turn out. It meant a lot.

Was there a lyrical theme running through the album? Or something you revisited in most of the songs?

Not consciously. I’ve noticed that shadows/silhouettes re-appear a lot, along with dancing. I wanted to work with movement in the lyrics so I think that’s one of the reasons that dancing appears a lot. As for shadows and silhouettes, most of the lyrics containing them are Janus-faced in the sense that they are speaking of things both stalking and endearing. I think that could be seen as a re-occurring aspect of the album, two opposing forces appearing as one.


Check the video teaser for Issue #16 below, and get DOWNLOADING.

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