New Music: Porsches - Horses

New Music: Porsches - Horses

Summer-vibes abound on Horses, a teaser from fresh Australian project Porsches.

Summer (noun) – The time of year where everyone in Australia heads to the beach equipped with their finest beers and smoothest tunes.

Picking the ultimate summer jam can be a hard one, with piles beyond piles of new releases hitting the airwaves every week. However, thanks to a new Australian electronic duo going by the name of Porsches, we may have an absolute ripper of a contender. Released as a ‘teaser’ of things to come, Horses is the ultimate song of the summer. A killer combination of bouncy synth, delicate vocals, and a smooth electronic beat is all that is needed by Porsches to captivate us with this tune. It is flame-emoji deserving in every way and definitely getting us keen for their debut single (plus live sets) this coming February.

Having already debuted on BBC Radio One last week, Horses is available for the cheap price of free via their Soundcloud, however if you rate it so much, you can also buy the track on iTunes now.

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