Sorry It's Over - A Website That Ends Relationships For You

Sorry It's Over - A Website That Ends Relationships For You

End things with your significant other for an insignificant price

We’ve all been there before - things just aren’t working out with your significant other and you want to end it, but you just simply don’t have the balls to leave. Now, thanks to the creative geniuses at Sorry It’s Over, this is no longer a problem with the new Australian service willing to do the deed for you, offering a range of pretty cheap ways to call it quits, all making you the biggest jerk in the Universe.

Sorry Its Over Email2

For just $5.50 you can send a quick text or email (for those people that still use that junk-mail collecting thing), each coming with one of two messages or your own, personalised message (if it’s under 160 words, that is). It doesn’t stop there however, with the crew even willing to give your partner the most awkward phone call in history, or to send them a letter. However with the state of Australia Post these days, it’ll probably take a week before things are over if you do it that way. You can also send flowers, or a nice little hamper containing wine, chocolates, tissues and some other stuff, or even arrange a personalized meeting between one of their workers and your partner, in what I assume must be the most awkward/hilarious/depressing job ever. What a great time to be alive, I say. Check it out HERE, however don’t bring the blame back to us if you’re partner comes to murder you after being told by a random stranger that “it’s not you – it’s me”.

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