Pizza Hut Ups The Game With Movie Projector Box

Pizza Hut Ups The Game With Movie Projector Box

Project movies onto your wall while eating that pizza your hungover self just bought.

Not content with the easiness of kicking back with a beautiful mess of cheesey dough and Netflix? Do you think getting up to reach for the remote on the coffee table over-exceeds your daily exercise limits? Luckily, Pizza Hut Hong Kong feels your cheese-induced pain and has developed the Blockbuster Box, the pizza box equivalent of a Transformer.

Working with advertising agency Ogilvy & Mather, this pizza-box-cross-projector hybrid is actually pretty neat. Simply eat/remove pizza from the box, insert a plastic lens that comes with the box into the hole on the side, and then chuck in your smartphone for some less-than-144p viewing. Each box comes with four movies you can watch thanks to a nifty QR code, including Slice Night, Hot & Ready, Fully Loaded and what can only be described as the best movie title of the year – Anchovy Armageddon. Watch the full advert below and let Australian Pizza Hut know this is an excellent idea, or have fun on your trip to Hong Kong.

There is of course a little issue of sound, or lack there-of. Although the box surely makes a beautiful surround sound effect once closed, right?

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