Watch: Yuma X - Matchstick

Watch: Yuma X - Matchstick

One of the finds of 2015 backs up their stellar debut single.

Sydney’s Lucy Washington and Jake Smith have been friends for half a lifetime and collaborators for over a year now. We can be greatful for both, because as Yuma X, we absolutely fell in love with debut single Swimming Pool, naming it in our top 100 tracks at the halfway point of this year. Now we're blessed with the next single from the pair - Matchstick - and another thoughtful, meditative video clip that works as a sibling to Swimming Pools' gorgeous video. Matchstick is from a forthcoming four-track EP, and you'll get a decent taste of it live as they join RUFUS on their current sold-out Australian tour. Check the dates after the beautiful clip below:


15th Oct - Tivoli, Brisbane
16th Oct - Tivoli, Brisbane
17th Oct - Freo Arts Centre, Fremantle
18th Oct - HQ, Adelaide
21st Oct - The Forum, Melbourne
22nd Oct - The Forum, Melbourne
23rd Oct - The Forum, Melbourne
24th Oct - Wollongong Uni Hall, Wollongong
28th Oct - Enmore Theatre, Enmore
29th Oct - ANU, Canberra
30th Oct - Enmore Theatre, Enmore


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