Watch: Wet - Weak

Watch: Wet - Weak

The Brooklyn outfit make a graceful return.

The delicate beauty of Brooklyn trio Wet's Don't Wanna Be Your Girl was a track that remained on our playlists long after its release - which was almost a year ago now. It's been a while between drinks, but the outfit has returned with a new single and video - Weak is reminiscent of their work so far - another soft offering with frank, emotionally honest lyrics - this time dipping more confidently music-wise into R & B balladry. It's set to appear on their debut album (yes, they have a debut coming!) Don’t You, due early next year. The track features Nat Baldwin of The Dirty Projectors.

While the captivating video for Don't Wanna Be Your Girl saw Wet team up with a female-run erotic magazine on creative direction, this time they've gone down a contemporary dance route, bringing in choreographer Holly Blakey (whose done work with Florence and the Machine, Jessie Ware and Jungle), who has the act's suited-up singer Kelly Zutrau performing a dance routine for an audience of no-one. 

Wet are currently touring the US supporting Tobias Jesso Jr. Below the new Wet video, watch a video of the Goon singer and his backing band Duk covering D'Angelo in his Washington set:



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