Tame Impala's clip for Let It Happen isn't for anxious flyers

Tame Impala's clip for Let It Happen isn't for anxious flyers

A stressful few minutes in transit.

At this point it feels like it's a waste of your time crafting some kind of introductory sentence about Tame Impala. They are, quite simply, one of the biggest acts on the planet right now, whilst somehow maintaining an almost impenetrable fortress of cool. If we had to nit-pick, maybe a couple of clips for tracks off their latest album haven't exactly set the world on fire... Okay the muppet thing was cute, but yeah. This clip, directed by British music video director David Wilson (also responsible for the great Mind Mischief clip from a couple of years ago), is a hectic 4-and-a-bit minutes for one dude at the airport. And it's just trippy enough to befit a Tame Impala music video.

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