Op Shopping done right with Palms

Op Shopping done right with Palms

Ahead of their upcoming Australian tour celebrating their new album, Crazy Rack.

Late last year saw the release of Palms' new album, Crazy Rack, and after a "a brain- storming session with an idea that is both left field, and genius-like in its simplicity", they'll be heading out on tour this March around the country to play songs from that album and more, LIVE. To celebrate, we had a crazy brainstorm session of our own and decided to ask the genetlemen for a guide to op shopping right, you know, to tie in with the album name and themes. So check out this fantastic meeting of the minds below, followed by those tour dates.

You can also read an interview with them around the album release last year, HERE.


1. Get a job in a secondhand shop. Ok the pay is kinda shitty, but you do get dibs on the best stuff as soon as it comes in, plus a juicy discount. Also you just stand there listening to music all day and talking to people, so it's pretty dope.

2. Never go looking for something specific. You gotta go with an open mind and let the cool shit come to you. If you're too caught up on a certain item, 1) you probably won't find it anyway and 2) you'll be too distracted to see all the good stuff that's available and right in front of you.

3. Don't ask for a discount. Especially not in a charity shop. I mean, it's a CHARITY shop. That's the point. And let's be honest, there's nothing more unappealing than a tight arse. It's even worse than being a real estate agent (Just jokes - I know at least one cool real estate agent). And if you're nice, the sweet old ladies behind the counter at Vinnie's will probably give you a discount anyway.

4. If you're not sure, don't buy it. There's so much good stuff out there in the world, that if you're umm-ing and ahh-ing about it, let it go. Life's too short for things that you don't love.

5. If someone laughs at you for wearing it, you're on the right track. 


Sat 5 Mar - Shebeen | Melbourne

Fri 11 Mar - Pirie & Co | Adelaide

Sat 12 Mar - Jack Rabbit Slims | Perth

Thu 17 Mar - Foundry | Brisbane

Fri 18 Mar - 'Minimum Wage Club' Shark Bar, Miami Tavern | Gold Coast

Sat 19 Mar - Oxford Art Factory | Sydney

Sun 20 Mar - Rad | Wollongong


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