Watch: I Lost My Dream

Watch: I Lost My Dream

A short film by Sydney-based director Stefan Hunt dealing in one refugee's journey.

I Lost My Dream is a short film by Sydney based Director, Stefan Hunt. In 10 minutes, Hunt helps Moacir Zeledon recount his story; one that begins in Nicaragua and finishes in Queensland’s Sunshine Coast. In between; abuse, negligent immigration laws and abandonment could easily be listed as the dominant themes, but beyond that we’re treated to a story of personal development and a timely reminder of the good that humans are capable of. You can’t have enough of those.

Stefan Hunt made this film to help raise funds and awareness to support the good work done by a children’s refuge in Tapachula, Mexico called Mision Mexico. If you’d like to know more about the refuge, which is operated by Australian couple Pam and Alan Skuse, check out their WEBSITE and/or FACEBOOK page. Need another reason to watch? This is cornea-massaging, cinematic wizardry. Seriously, so fresh.

Words by Connor Benfield.

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