Watch the first official trailer for Trainspotting 2

Watch the first official trailer for Trainspotting 2

Oof right in the feels.

Last year when it was announced we were getting a Danny Boyle-directed sequal to Trainspotting we ran THIS piece having a whinge about how we don't need another Trainspotting film because the original is perfect. But the fact is we're getting a new one, called T2 Trainspotting, for some reason.

But 2016 is all about nostalgia folks (member berries anyone?), and why not hang out with your favourite bunch of smack-addicted degenerates and see what they've been up to over the past 20 years? Even with that whining piece from last year, it's hard not to get excited about this patriculag gang of reprobates to watch them no doubt fuck it all up again.

Choose life. Choose another Trainspotting movie.

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Gang of Youths' legendary guitarist, Joji Malani, is leaving the band

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