This week in pointless petitions: BRING BACK YOGO DIRT DESSERT

This week in pointless petitions: BRING BACK YOGO DIRT DESSERT

And while we're at it, strawberry too.

The thing about petitions is that anyone can start one about anything. And by and large many petitions started on come from a good place, for a good cause. Some don't. Some are really misinformed. And many are also really silly. There was one earlier this year from Melbourne's Laundry Bar literally just trying to get in touch with Karl Stefanovic's management, and of course there was the whole dollarydoos thing. The funny thing about petitions is that often we'll take a second out of our day to sign a petition like the dollarydoos, which has no chance of going anywhere, instead of an actually meaningful one. But that's a conversation for another day, because we're sticking with stupid ones tonight and bringing this one to your attention, because who knows, it might just work:Screen Shot 2015 11 17 at 6.40.39 pm

Personally we're all about Strawberry making a comeback, but all we have is this Tweet from a few years ago from Brownes claiming not enough interest:

So if you want to be the change you want to see in the world today, it starts here, with a chance to bring back Yogo Dirt Dessert - SO GET SIGNING.

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