300 fireworks shot into the air all at once

300 fireworks shot into the air all at once

The 300 fireworks shot into the air all at once video you didn't know you had to see.

British YouTuber Colin Furze is fkn amazing. If you would like to be entertained go follow his channel. 1'000'000 other people do and to celebrate that fact he built a rig to set off 300 fireworks all at once. Set to a track from English punk band March to the Grave the video is good internet from a guy who is GREAT at the internet.

I actually just had a rare thought and think I might coin a new word, Intertain.  

past tense: intertained; past participle: intertained; intertainment; intertainer;
  1. 1.
    provide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment on the internet.
    "a tremendous internet happening that thoroughly intertains the masses"


I think it's valid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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