Watch: Fresh Dressed trailer

Watch: Fresh Dressed trailer

Watch the trailer for a new film exploring rap's Fashion Killas.

Director Sacha Jenkins delves under the surface of swag in his latest documentary, Fresh Dressed, exploring the intersecting worlds of fashion and hip hop from the seventies through to the present day. Said subject matter should be in good hands with Jenkins, whose the creative director of cult New York culture and fashion bible Mass Appeal.

The film, which premiered at Sundance Film Festival and hits US cinemas this week, goes through the rap uniforms of history, as told through interviews with some of the scene’s key players (including Pharrell Williams and Kanye West), archival imagery, and (of course) a dope hip hop soundtrack. Jenkins explores how the oversized pants and hand-made, graffiti jackets transitioned from crews to commerce – moving from urban neighbourhoods to the high-fashion catwalks to the stores. The doco also looks at the genesis of “streetwear” brands and trends, and those at the forefront, from independent creatives to big-time rappers popularising styles in their tracks and videos (i.e. Run DMC revolutionizing the Adidas sneaker).

We’re not too crash hot on that purple impact font, but the doco seems worth a look for rap fans, for the interview subject list alone:  

Screen Shot 2015 06 29 at 5.09.16 PM

hip hop fashion fresh dressed dapper dan

hip hop fashion fresh dressed gang death

hip hop fashion fresh dressed kanye

Watch the trailer below:

No news of an Australian release date yet, we’ll keep you posted. 

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