Watch: Charles Murdoch - Straws

Watch: Charles Murdoch - Straws

Charles Murdoch returns with a brooding new track and stunning video clip.

Remember Charles Murdoch? We certainly do. After a two year hiatus, the ‘champ is back’ as they say. In a flash Charles has gifted us Straws, a brooding yet euphoric piece with an ever-intriguing video as company. The best part of it all is that Straws is the opener for an inaugural LP from the young man. Murdoch’s homegrown label (Future Classic) has the honour of releasing the album in mid July.

This latest track is as smooth as ever, founded on Murdoch's penchant for meticulous production. Opening with ethereal whispers it soon transitions into an assortment of pulsating synths and clacking drums. In consistent fashion, the Brisbane native has crafted a tune that is reflective and settled whilst also inspiring thoughts of partying in the dark with a host of your best mates.

charles murdoch straws grab

The accompanying video clip is deep, directed and produced by a 20-year-old German duo calling themselves Jünglinge. The story plays out following the daily life of an unnamed gang member in the creators' homeland. He appears stuck in an internal struggle of self-discovery, confined to living out a threatening existence within the mob. By the end of the clip we find his anxieties stem from an inherent desire. The staggered melody and haunting vocal further stress the battle raging in the skinheads mind.

Sit back and enjoy a special pairing of tune and film below. Mr. Murdoch’s first studio album incoming...

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