Watch: FIDLAR - West Coast

Watch: FIDLAR - West Coast

FIDLAR are back again with a new, jubilant music video.

I’m going to be honest with you guys, I wasn’t the biggest fan of the 40oz On Repeat music video. It’s not that the visual component of FIDLAR’s new single was bad or not hilarious. Seeing frontman Zac Carper portrayed as a confusingly convincing sexy schoolgirl was worth the price of admission alone.

But the one-two punch of the new, cleaned up sound and an expensive well produced but made to look DIY video had me concerned the band was heading for that glossy Blink 182 sound we got in the All The Small Things era and beyond. Again, not bad; just a far cry from a band who previously reveled in “being covered in dirt from their head to their toes”.

That’s why this new video comes with a sigh of relief. On latest single West Coast and its accompanying clip, we see the So-Cal punks return to the scuzzed-out punk anthems and wild live antics that put them on the map in the first place. Made from archival footage gathered from years of touring, the clip’s a celebration of hedonistic over-indulgence and uncontrollable energy. Check it out below:


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