Watch: Skegss - Fun

Watch: Skegss - Fun

Dune Rats have started a record label, Ratbag Records, and their first release is Skegss' Fun.

Okay so it isn't new Dunies but Dune Rats have started a record label titled Ratbag Records and the first act they have signed is Byron Bay act Skegss. Now there are two ways I could go about explaining the signing: a long-winded dusty description of it all or hand it over to Dunies. I prefer the second option so why not listen to Danny Beus explaining the signing, "Because we froth the music and the dudes are real as fuck. They love doing the same shit that we do too." Fun is the first single off Skegss' upcoming EP 50 Pushs Ups For A Dollar coming via Ratbag Records, but seriously 50 push ups sounds like a lot for a measly dollar. And Fun itself is exactly that, with lyrics about chilling the fuck out, smoking a joint and enjoying yourself. Recorded in Brooklyn, New York Fun has a definite American feel to it, albeit a West Coast vibe with the garage elements matching up with Ty Segall and the punchy chorus akin to FIDLAR. And isn't their press pic the best?

The video clip is the kinda one that, not unlike video footage of Dunies, just makes you wanna be mates the guys as they jaunt around the countryside playing shows and hangin' out:


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