Meet Introvert, who announce a new EP and share new song, Mending Breaking

Meet Introvert, who announce a new EP and share new song, Mending Breaking

The Newcastle punks will share their six-track new EP via UNFD on February 21st.

Header image by April Josie.

Australia's rock scene goes through gradual shifts every few years as new artists blossom and diversify our scene, and old favourites adjust their sounds to cater to a constantly-changing range of genre tastes that never seem to settle. A few years ago it was the surf-rock craze - ushered through via acts including Dune Rats and Skegss - and while this sound is definitely still kicking, it seems that somewhat of a punk revival will be the sound that takes its place. It seems that new punk and post-punk artists are popping up at an almost-weekly pace, and names that once occupied this kinda grunge-y surf-rock niche are branching out; the over-saturation of bands in this realm pushing artists to be creative and switch up their sounds (typically to good results, too).

Newcastle group Introvert aren't exactly a new act. They formed in 2015 and have been consistent with releases for much of the five years since (2019 saw the release of two tracks, Dreamers and Somewhere Else), cutting a craft for punchy punk and a renowned live show as they go (they've played Groovin the Moo in the past, plus supported names ranging from AFI and Trophy Eyes to Balance And Composure and Hellions). Now, however, it seems they're stepping up, joining homegrown hotspot for all things heavy - UNFD - for the release of a new EP titled Mending Breaking, out through the label on February 21st.

It's a series of six tracks that are sure to diversify the Introvert sound and showcase how far the Newcastle favourites have come over the last five years, stepping into a new decade with a solid-built EP behind them packed full of their signature heartfelt craft, just warped and shifted into new tones and energies as they go. The arrival of the EP's title-track today doubles down on this, capturing the quick-paced energy of the group as they cause a ruckus; strengthening guitar melodies battling lyrics on "about a person trying their best to keep composed under all the pressures of life." It's sad and emotion, yet at the same time, assertive enough to be the slap in the face you need to do exactly that - keep composed.

The full EP is set to capture similar themes, according to vocalist Audie Franks. "Sometimes you get in those spaces and you want others to help you, but you also want to be able to do it yourself," he says on the EP. "The title came about because of the idea of someone trying to fix themselves and going through cycles of mending and then breaking again. If you listen to the EP from start to finish it actually goes around in that circle of mending and breaking."

It's bound to be a great release for the band, so make sure you hang tight for the release of Mending Breaking - the EP - via UNFD on February 21. In the meantime, however, dive into its title-track below, and better introduce to yourself to the band while you're at it:

Tell us about yourself:

My name is Max, I play bass in Introvert. I’m 25, live in the Newcastle CBD and I’m a disability support worker when I’m not playing music. Music has been a passion of mine since I was a kid but my musical ambitions were only fully realised in around mid-2015 when Introvert formed and started doing cool things. Now it’s all I see myself doing till I’m an old man haha.

What’s the vibe music-wise?

This EP is in our typical epic rock grunge-tinged wheelhouse, but just tighter and more matured. We’re finding ourselves writing better and better songs as we evolve as songwriters and we just hope it translates with listeners. We have some fast, driving bangers on there, and some slower, more brooding tracks, but mostly it’s stuff you can bang your head and dance to.

What are your production and writing processes like?

We all have pretty busy lives and songwriting is tough, so most of the time it’s a slog and we really have to push ourselves to write and form good, measured songs, but damn it’s rewarding. We’ll all write a number of songs at home by ourselves, then come together as a group, bringing all our different influences together and crafting something ready for recording.

We record our releases with our boy Mitta Norath at Tommirock Studios. He engineered Old Taste, our single December and the latest EP and we’re over the moon with what we’ve created with him and the job he’s done for us. For consistency sake, we usually go back-to-back days, knock it all out in one go so we get consistent sounds and performances.

Can you tell us about your new single, Mending Breaking?

To me, lyrically it’s about a person trying their best to keep composed under all the pressures of life. It’s a sad fact of life but the world can really break you down and bring you to unbelievable lows, and this song is just a window into that and the struggle of trying to keep above water. Musically it’s a fast and driving rager which encapsulates the lyrical theme well.

It’s the first single from an EP of the same name. Can you tell us a little bit about that too and what people should expect?

The title of the track really epitomises the theme of the lyrics of the song and the inner frustration and inner battle that’s going on throughout the EP.

Any tour dates coming up?

We travel to Tasmania for the first time in April for M8fest, which is super exciting. We have loads of shows and bands we’d love to tour with and we know we can’t do them all, but we’re going to try and see as much of the country as we can this year.

What does 2020 have in store for you?

Right now we’re laser-focused on getting this EP out to the world. As soon as we get this out, we’ll be preparing for our next release. We hope to be playing lots of towns and cities across the country and meeting loads of cool people as we do what we do best. Anything can happen though so just hang tight and you never know.

Where can we find more of your music?

All of our music is available through all streaming services, just click the link in our Instagram bio. Our latest single Dreamers is up on YouTube with a neat music video made by Melbourne legend Warwick Hughes, and of course, you can always find anything Introvert related through the UNFD website.

Follow Introvert: FACEBOOK

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