So you wanna throw a sick Laneway party? Here's some survival tips from Section 8

So you wanna throw a sick Laneway party? Here's some survival tips from Section 8

The team at Section 8 lay it out ahead of their massive Melbourne Music Week party.

This coming Thursday 17 November, Melbourne's Section 8 and Ferdydruke are collaborating an damn fun looking soiree, set in Section and its laneway surrounds and featuring the likes of Detroit rapper Black Milk, Yeo (whose new single we LOVE), Average Rap Band, SAATSUMA and more (full details on the poster down the bottom or the FB EVENT).

To mark the occasion we hit up the crew putting the party on to get some tips and tricks on how to organise your own Laneway party. Because as summer comes in the desire to get outside is only going to strengthen, so why not make the most of open-air spaces and increase the good times 10-fold. But, if you're going to do it, have a read of the below first to get you started.

section 8 laneway 3

#1. Know your Laneway.

Laneway's may look really cool but they're also full of tight layouts, dead-space and messy nightlines; it can be a nightmare to run a successful event in if you don't successfully judge how people will flow around the space and interact with the entertainment.

#2. Surprises keep people on their toes.

Everyone's been to a festival before and have a programmed idea of what to expect; by chucking in random acts, roaming artists and performers you can subvert peoples expectations of what these kind of events can be and elevate their experience to something truly memorable.

#3. What would any good party be without a great lineup?

Melbourne's a big city and full of diversity, doesn't take much to dig beyond and put together a lineup that reflects the rich musical culture of our city and the myriad of different genres and tastes.

A diverse line up is something we always go for, trying to make each year better than the last with a mix of local and international talent.

#4. Make sure there's a few surprises during the day.

So far we have had Bollywood Dancers, Brass Bands, Brazilian Dancers and Drummers, Contortionists, Spanish Dancers, Percussion, a Drag Queen and there are still many more to come. It's nice to have elements of the day that no one expects. Make the event a new experience every time. Different stages, decor, themes and artists always make the day a little more interesting.

#5. Cold, cold beer.

Before, before and after.

#6. Imagine you’re at the best party of your past...

And work to better it

#7. Delegate.

#8. Remember it's all for fun.

Work hard but for the love of god please don’t take it seriously.

#9. A community centre/football field/street/park is a much better idea.

Laneways are fucking tiny.

section 8 party poster

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