Framed: Swerfk

Framed: Swerfk

Recent illustrations by the Melbourne-based artist.

We love the detailed black-and-white illustrations of Melbourne artist Swerfk. With roots in street art, the artist's new designs are somewhat reminiscent of vintage comic books and cartoons of the 90's. His range of prints (available for purchase here) and steady stream of constant creative output make Swerfk one of the freshest and most exciting lowbrow talents in the country.

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Superheroes In Real Life Solitude

Some meditative photo-manipulation from French photographer Benoit Lapray.

10 years ago

Framed: Jiro Bevis

Introducing you to Jiro Bevis, definitely one of our favourite illustrators of recent times.

10 years ago

King Brown Issue #10 Perth launch!

King Brown Issue #10 launches in Perth with a huge exhibition.

9 years ago

Framed: Concept Collision Exhibition

Bringing some of Perth's most exciting creatives together.

8 years ago
