Know Your Splendour - Darlia

Know Your Splendour - Darlia

Meet some of the acts you'll be seeing at Splendour 2014.

UK trio Darlia will be making their Australian debut at this year's Splendour In The Grass, along with a couple of sideshows to boot. All the dates and the video clip for their single Candyman after a brief intro with Nathan from the group.

Who are you?

Nathan Day of Darlia, the ‘Blackpool Rock’ band.

How’d you meet?

We were cleaners. We used to hide our stuff in bin bags to sneak out to gigs and play music in the music block. I ‘cleaned’ the school guitars with my bare hands. Resulted in a consequential prompt firing and permanent smell of bleach.

What kinda tunes we talkin’?

The kinda tunes that a magpie whistles as it steals silver from a jewellery shop.

Production/writing process:

I write everything and take it to the band to bring it to life. It’s basically singer/songwriter on steroids. 

What do you do outside of Darlia?

There is no outside of Darlia. You know that really cliched line of ‘We live and breathe it’ - well I promise not to say it but; we live and breathe it.

Any shows coming up?

Absolutely loads - festival season is coming up and we’re all over it for our first time. I’ve never actually been to a festival so it’s time to see what all the fuss is about.

What’s the rest of the year have in store?

Festival season, more releases, more recording. The Darlia Dice is constantly being rolled.

Where can we hear more of your music?

All the usual sellout yet perfectly necessary points - Facebook, SoundcloudTwitter.



Thur 24 July - Newtown Social Club, Sydney

Sat 26 July - Northcote Social Club, Melbourne


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