The artist who gifted us that nude Donald Trump painting has been banned from FB

The artist who gifted us that nude Donald Trump painting has been banned from FB


LA-based artist Illma Gore, who recently came to global attention thanks to her raw and uncut painting of supremely-awesome-guy-that-everyone-loves Donald Trump in his birthday suit, has been banned from our all powerful overlords Facebook thanks to posting the image to the social media site just a couple too many times. It's been courting contraversy all over the shop since it started "going viral" back in February, and Gore has already been banned a few times for posting the image. Funnily enough, her most recent banning came from posting a version of the image which had the genitalia censored.

The piece, entitled 'Make America Great Again', while obviously drawing the ire of Trump supporters, has also done likewise from people who say it's another form of body shaming, as in, the fact Donald Trump sucks as a person is in correlation to his penis size. Gore refutes those claims though, stating: "'Make America Great Again' was created to evoke a reaction from its audience, good or bad, about the significance we place on our physical selves. One should not feel emasculated by their penis size or vagina, as it does not define who you are... [i.e.] you can be a massive prick, despite what is in your pants."

It hasn't been banned from other social media sites, even Instagram (which Facebook of course owns now), and if you love it that much you can go buy the darn thing for yourself via Gore's WEBSITE and/or enjoy it in all its glory below:

donald trump naked painting full

Follow Illma Gore: WEBSITE

H/T Dazed.

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