@jjjHACK on Twitter - putting the jokes into journalism

@jjjHACK on Twitter - putting the jokes into journalism

Just a bit of mid-week banter.

Triple j's Hack program can't really be faulted. It's only half-an-hour but it exposes a youthful audience to news and current affairs in a way that most other outlets would only dream of. Whether you agree with the things they report on or not, it can't be argued it's a briliant tool for exposing Australia's young minds to the news and current affairs of Australia - and the world - at large.

While it's of course not impermeable to criticism, even Tom Tilley and friends would get a kick out of @jjjHack - a new Twitter account parodying the serious nature of the program. To be honest, with a bunch of headlines and story topics that are ridiculous at the same time as being awkwardly close enough to possible, we wouldn't be surprised if Tilley was behind it. Head along to their Twitter for some good LOLs, and check a bunch of our favourites below:


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