Hey Australia & NZ, Pokémon GO! has officially launched!

Hey Australia & NZ, Pokémon GO! has officially launched!

We have now been gifted with the ability to catch a Charmander on the couch.

For the past few years, the demand for a Pokémon-styled game on mobile devices has been massive, with a large crowd of 16+ year olds wishing to revisit the game for years, but not willing to buy a brand new Nintendo console just to play one game for nostalgia purposes. After a quick, bug-ridden round of beta testing and a whole lot of anticipation, today has seen that day finally arrive with release of Pokémon GO! on Android and Apple devices. The game has only been released thus far in Australia, New Zealand and Japan, with an international release penned in for the next 24 hours depending on your timezone, but I think it’s well worth the wait. After catching your starter Pokémon in the comfort of your own home (I had a Charmander just chilling in the kitchen, apparently), you’re then pressured to go out and explore the world in order to catch other team members, fight trainers (apparently shopping centres and rec centres are full of ‘em), fight against gyms (rumoured to be at landmarks, libraries and just any day-to-day places like pharmacies) and a whole heap more. Check it out on Android or Apple and get cracking.





Images via Kotaku

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